Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Blogger’s still fucking up. Everytime I check this site it gives me an old post. And for a long time now, using the www.mindfuel.blogspot.com gets me the April 16 post. And of course, since I’m not a paying user, I apparently can’t complain to them; just read a bunch of FAQs and hope for the best.


You know your bookshelf’s too full when it starts hurting you. I was getting a bunch of graphic novels to lend somebody, but the sliding glass doors are really stuck now because the whole structure’s sagging under the weight. So my hands slipped, and now I have a cut on my left index finger from the glass. And I went to play bowling right after, so of course the wound wouldn’t stop bleeding. Whoop dee doo.

And man, if ever there was a reminder that I’m terribly out of shape, the bowling was it. First few frames and my arm was already starting to ache. At the end of the day the inside of my left thumb was sore, and my right ass cheek was hurting. When I woke up Tuesday morning, it was worse. I really need to exercise. But at least I got a 145 in my second game. :) Not bad for someone who hasn’t played in months.


Saw Confessions of a Dangerous Mind for the 4th time; first in a theater. It’s still great. Was disappointed to see Pioneer Films, the distributor, cut three scenes that were sex-related so that they could get the rating lowered to an R13. They were very bad cuts that interrupted the flow of the film. Theater wasn’t full when I watched, but at least none of them walked out.

I enjoyed X2 a great deal. It’s certainly better than the first. They really benefited from the bigger budget, and I didn’t even notice the 133 minute running time. It was also great to see Wolverine in his murderous berserker rage. If you're an X-fan, though, you start seeing some gaping plot holes as you go along, but still, it was great. X3’s targeted at 2006 pa, so that’s going to be quite a wait to see the Dark Phoenix…

Also saw Bringing Down The House, which is completely and utterly predictable. These kinds of movies, I realize more and more, are just not made for me, and my appreciation and tolerance for them continues to decline. I didn’t laugh out loud once during the film, and I consider myself a Steve Martin fan, so that’s saying something. I chuckled a few times, but I can’t even give it the consolation-prize-comment of “It had its moments.”


Also finally got around to adding a lot of new links: Jason & Tina, Clar, Paul S., Elbert & Gio, and Nicole Campos. I don’t personally know Nicole, but I love her blog and on the links she goes.

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