Monday, August 04, 2003

Okay. Right.

Keka has one last day of shooting left. Only one sequence to go. Then Quark has editing, dubbing, sound mixing, grading, and everything else that has to happen for him to submit the film on I think Aug. 10. Some of the editing's been done already, and he showed sequences to the crew yesterday and it looked lovely and amazing. I'm very excited about it now, and really happy for him. A subtitled print will not make it in time for Cinemanila, so it will be showing in the festival, but not in competition (the subtitled print was necessary for some of the judges who don't speak Tagalog); it'll be in exhibition. A premiere event is being worked out for Ateneo. General release is on Aug. 20; posters are already up everywhere.

The days in between Keka shoots are usually spent resting, or, like Saturday, using work as an excuse to finally meet up with Ate Cyn and Arnold about Big Thing and Arn's possible involvement with that, but generally catching up with them as I haven't seen them since last year (!). Today I had the choice of going to Keka editing and visiting the set of Gagamboy, but I opted to stay home and rest because I wasn't feeling too well this morning and don't want to put my health at risk and possibly miss the last day tomorrow. I feel better now, and hope to keep it stable for tomorrow.

Going to Keka's last day tomorrow also means, it seems, missing the first day of shooting of my episode for Lyle Sacris's First Time. I wanted to be there, but I chose Keka over it since I've been with the production almost the whole time (though I maybe missed 4 days).

The pitch last Monday for Big Thing went surprisingly better than I expected it to, but not without its share of trademark ridiculous moments. It looks like it's a go, but recent developments have seen me slowly detaching myself from it emotionally but still trying to help in certain aspects. Also, a couple more things to work on in the script, which means Lyndon and I will go to Draft 3...

PowerBooks' Annual Sale has begun. There's also a few books on sale at Fully Booked. I recommend Iain Sinclair's Downriver and Neil Jordan's Nightlines (also called Sunrise with Sea Monster), both at 50% off.

Two new Mirrormask pics can be seen here. Man, I'm getting much too excited about this film...

Am now reading a book I've been looking forward to for some time now, Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby.

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