Friday, August 30, 2002

Text from Mich: “Saw your pool. I hate it it’s a titi! Yuck.” Hahahaha. Go visit her blog. It’s one of my favorites, definitely one of the funniest, without really trying to be. It’s just Mich. She’s so worried that she doesn’t write well (as if that was ever important to someone starting a blog) but she writes fine. It’s honest and direct and so Mich, the best part is while reading the blog you can hear her voice in your head.
Everyone wants Neva’s help now. Haha. She’s giving all of us comment functions, tagboards, guestbooks and site meters. And teaching us basic html. Whatta gal.

Am I a blog slave? Neva thinks so. Check the time of this post, and you can probably guess the answer.

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