Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Well, the 4th Cinemanila Film Festivalends today (at least its run at Greenbelt theaters; there'll be scattered screenings from here on til the end of the month). Which is fine by me, because while it's been fun, it's also sorely depleted my finances and sleep. There's only so many good films you can take within a concentrated period of time before they all start getting mixed up in your memory, a blurry montage making an entirely new film no one could have conceived of.

Myself and the Indiefilipino film staff will be capping the whole Festival with a wrap-up article, where we'll talk about our awards, what we liked about the festival, and what we don't ever want to see happen again.

Meanwhile I hope you check out the page we have up now on Indiefilipino about the Festival, compiling short reviews about the films we saw.

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